NBA Accreditation - Consultation


In pursuance of our vision to act as catalyst to maximize the potential of B-schools & its NIRF rankings, we, a team of senior techno-academician at A&S encourage & motivates institutes to opt for NBA accreditation. In this mission of quality education in B-schools across nation, we offer consultancy & guidance to institutes to streamline their processes within resources but as per standardization of regulator and get NBA accreditation

NBA accreditation is imperative for B-Schools to stabilize the academic - administrative processes and to have recognition in higher education & corporate.

What is Accreditation?

Accreditation is a process of quality assurance and improvement, whereby a programme in an approved Institution is critically appraised to verify that the Institution or the programme continues to meet and/or exceed the Norms and Standards prescribed by regulator from time to time.

It is a kind of recognition which indicates that a programme or Institution fulfills certain standards.

Why Accreditation?

NBA accreditation is a conspicuous accord for student-parent-corporate to rationalize whether in a HEI academic-administrative processes in the program/institute are honestly pursued and effectively achieved by the resources as per aims & objectives demonstrated. It is a process to justify that program/institute is as per or exceeds the relevance of professional education and fulfill the expectations of stakeholders.

Impact of Accreditation

Demonstrates commitment to excellence and accountability to the student-parent-corporate.

Brand recognition and trust

Improves student enrollment both in terms of quality and quantity.

Helps the Institution in securing necessary funds.

Improves placement in terms of quantity and quality.

Motivates faculty to participate actively in academic, research, innovation and related  activities.

To Know more please visit NBA web site

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