Director's Message

stablished in 1997, A & S Software Consultancy Pvt. Ltd, New Delhi is a dedicated Software Solution Provider to premium higher educational institutes. Encouraged by the patronage & compassion of many reputed higher educational institutes for years together, we have committed ourselves to bring transparency & efficiency in higher education system by deploying OltErp - An in-house design & developed University Management System.

OltErp is a very robust, modular, flexible, well tested ERP covering all the activities of any academic institute. OltErp is very economical, easy to deploy University Management System which can be implemented in phased manner (at the pace of technology absorption by client). Regarding this a case study has been published in Harvard Business Review Website.

Client's growth is ours and their feedback & suggestions provides a consistent guiding light for improvement & upgradation of OltErp.

We firmly believe in Customer's Centricity strategy which aligns a company's development and delivery of its products and services with the current and future needs of a selected set of customers in order to maximize their long-term financial value to the firm.

Copyright 1999 - 2025, A & S Software Consultancy Private Limited, India
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