Other Software Products

Tendering, planning and monitoring software

The system is suitable for large construction companies

The software generates the quotation for a given tender based on activity based costing. It can export and import data from prima-vera for resource levelling or inbuilt resource levelling tool can be used. The monitoring module helps in monitoring the project on daily bases in terms of budgeted Qty and costs


Timesheet and Invoicing Management System

The system is suitable for NGOs, Solicitors firms, Architects, Software Development Companies and Consultants

The system is available in Lotus Notes as well as SQL Server 2000/2005. The system includes: Employee data with photograph; Leave Management; Provision to input data for person-hours spent on various projects by different users on daily/ weekly bases and comparison with the budgeted hours allotted; Tracking of enquiries, proposals and projects, daily expenses; client database; Project-wise/person-wise man-hour details; Man-hour details for a person during a specified period monthly, quarterly etc; Man-hour utilization report; Invoice Generation.

Hospital Waste Management Software

The system is suitable for hospitals, Municipalities and other agencies involved in handling hazardous/non hazardous wastes.

The system has been designed to monitor hazardous/ non hazardous waste generation and treatment in district Hospitals, local health centers and waste treatment facilities located across the state and country.


Urdu to English Transliteration Software

The software was designed for election commission. Organizations involved in converting census data, electoral data can use the software

The software takes the input in English from SQL server 2000 and transliterate it into Urdu and store the data in SQL Server 2000. The conversion is a transliteration not translation.

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